Preventive assessment of landscape character and impact assessment of spatial development plans in landscape

Navigační obrázek služeb v oblasti životního prostředí

The aim of the assessment is to ensure protection of the landscape. Impacts on the landscape are assessed in relation with building wind farms, silos and transport structures, with identifying the values of the land for spatial planning decisions or with applying limits on areas for spatial plans.

Guarantor: Mgr. Zdeněk Frélich

Hodnocení krajinného rázu: krajinná dominanta

The landscape and the natural, cultural and historical character of a certain place or area are protected from actions that decrease their aesthetic or natural value. The location of construction that might disrupt the landscape and the permission to proceed require the approval of the nature conservation authority. This requires the submission of an impact assessment of that particular object or area on the landscape.

In addition to these impact assessments, we also prepare an preventive assessment of landscape character, which is used as the expert basis by the decision-making authorities of nature conservation and by the processors of spatial plans. The areas and locations that increase natural, cultural and aesthetic values are defined in it, and the conditions for protecting them are determined.

The principal objective of evaluating the intention or assessment is to ensure the protection of the landscape in value-enhanced areas. Evaluating the intentions, or spatial plan, is done as part of the EIA/SEA process. The landscape character protection assessment is included in the Spatial Analytical datal (ÚAP).

Who is this service intended for

Our clients include ministries, regions, municipalities, public institutions, landscape conservation area administrators, and private investors (e.g. wind farms).

Service contents

We offer the comprehensive elaboration of the EIA/SEA process in relation to the topic, therefore, concerning these points::

  • Impact assessment of the intentions on the landscape character,
  • Impact assessment of planning documentation on the landscape character,
  • Studies for landscape character assessments,
  • Processing the expert review.


  • Impact assessment on the plans to build the “Jívová wind farm” on the landscape – expert review, 2010
  • Technical and data material for the concept of the landscape layout of municipalities of the Opava municipality – monitored ÚAP effects, their characteristics: effect 17 – area of the landscape character, effect 18 – location of the landscape, 2014
  • Concept of the layout of the landscape in selected municipalities of the Znojmo municipality, 2014
  • Spatial plan for Potštát, 2016
  • Preventive assessment of the landscape character for the Protected Landscape Area Beskydy, 2016

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